On another note I will not be studying in London any time soon because its too busy in London and travel prices are too expensive.
I want to be able to get to the school in a fresh t shirt and jeans each day on the week. I’m not even sure if they have a dress code.
It doesn’t matter to me because I love shien .
I love fashionova also.
It would be nice to leave my house and even maybe rent it to a friend. Over the holidays. I could also just leave the house with all my heavenly possessions and clothes and just leave it. Lave my mother the keys.
I used to keep everything in storage ever since I had a bad roommate experience .
I was drunk way to ooften. I was probably a bit high.
And I slept in to often
The police broke my door in. And ever since then my stuff kept getting robbed.
I bought a storage unit so that no one could thief from me again.
It was way to expensive £200 a month and I kept all my clothes and winter coats in there to prevent them from being stolen.